July 2018 Commons Minutes

July Lions End Commons
06 JULY 2018 at the home of Jenna Childslayerin Glen Head, NY

Minutes recorded by Iola Wulfsdotter of Acre Moderated by Jenna Childslayer


  • Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa (“Bish”), Seneschal-Elect, Herald
  • Countess Brekke Franksdottir, Previous Seneschal
  • Jenna Childslayer, Commons Host
  • Arnbiorg (Helga) Niálsdóttir, Exchequer, Østgärðr Captain of Archers & Thrown Weapons
  • Marion of York, Lieutenant of Fence
  • Duggmore Douglas, Chatelaine
  • Iola (Yolah) Wulfsdotter of Acre
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi (Uji)
  • Alexander MacLachlan, Østgärðr Deputy Seneschal, Østgärðr Captain of Fence
  • Donnchadh MacEoin
  • Madeline Valentine

Digital Attendants

  • Suuder Saran, Viceroy of Østgärðr
  • Lada Monguligin, Vicereine of Østgärðr
  • Alienor Salton, Østgärðr Seneschal
  • Mistress Katherine Barr, East Kingdom Seneschal

Absent Officers

  • Scott, Webminister
  • Maeve of Abbyydorrney, Minister of A&S, Chronicler

Report Highlights

  • Exchequer – Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir: Yes, we have money
  • Herald – Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa: Still submitting Names & Devices


  • Farmingdale Demo was a success. ° The firefighters wants us to return next Spring, around Father’s day. Maybe asking the firefighters to help with set up of the pavilion on Friday night for Saturday event
    or the possibility of having a pavilion rented for us.
  • Proposed: Adelphi A&S Demo ° Donnchadh has contact with the local SCA/D&D group on campus. And has put feelers out for a A&S Demo. Campus Security said the cannot be any martial activities, however we can display weapons. He is working with his Masters programs in late August. Inquiries are still being made on details.

Other Discussion

  • A ‘Recording Secretary’ should be chosen for every meeting. It can rotate through the attending people, submitted to the Seneschal, so the reports could be approved, which should then be entered swiftly; via Yahoo, Facebook &/or EK website ASAP.
  • Reminder to keep side chatter to a minimal for the digital attendees. Technology is not perfect.
  • Canton Status: Discussion of what having the canton go on hiatus would involve
    • Presented Bish as volunteer for Seneschal, having published his intent & with the go-ahead from Kingdom.
    • Unanimously decided by Lion’s End members NOT to allow the canton to go dormant. It is believed that if that were to happen, there would be a loss of Officers and interest, where we would not recover.
    • Brekke stepped down at the June Commons, as Seneschal of Lions End. We have thanked her for all her hard work.
    • Noted that a Deputy Seneschal was needed. Uji has agreed to become Deputy Seneschal and accepted by our new Seneschal.
  • Note to the populace the following offices should not overlap as per conversation about Northpass:
    • Seneschal
    • Exchequer
    • Herald
    • Knight Marshal
    • A&S Minister
    • Chancellor Minor
    • Webminister
    • Chronicler ~ The exception to this is Maeve, who is both A&S and Chronicler for many years. We are trying to get a deputy in place for her in one one or both offices. To move into a more primary role in the future.
    • Mistress Katherine noted that this is not a hard rule, but a recommendation.
    • Bish pointed-out that she is an Award Winning Chronicler
  • All Lions End members attending voted unanimously for appointment of the new Seneschal
    • Suuder: Confirm appointment
    • Lada: Confirm appointment
    • Piglet: Confirm with Lion’s End Membership approval
    • Mistress Katherine: Defer to Crown Providence approval
  • Iola & Donnchadh have agreed to become Deputy Heralds and accepted by our Herald.
  • Scott is a good webminister, but he needs to follow up on Warrants so he can be Official. Finding him a 2nd Deputy Webminister might make things easier for him during his busy times.
  • Bish requested a current census of members
    • Brekke will supply Bish with a list
    • Brekka & Jenna have already gone of said list & have identified 36 of 38 members of Lion’s End


  • Proposed was change the schedule, day & place of meeting place, as two Friday evening meets have gathered 3-4x the attendance than the regular meetings.
    • Rotating quarterly meetings; Jenna & Uji have volunteered to host upcoming meetings
    • Proposed was the use of a local diner’s special event’s room
    • Change day from Monday to Fridays
    • Inquiries are being made to see if a quarterly schedule is possible with the current place, the Levittown Library, which would remain Monday nights.
  • Picnic Day
    Proposed was a gathering for a social Pot Luck for the membership of Lion’s End (including members of Acre & FALO, who are also members of Lions End) for a midAugust (date to be decided via polling) to be held at Brekke’s backyard in Farmingdale. Agreed budget for this event w/exchequer is $100.
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