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October Commons Minutes
Lions End held its monthly commons meeting on October 9. Here are the minutes as recorded by Iola Wulfsdotter.
Commons meeting started at 8pm.
SCA Bullying & Harassment Policy posted & read.
Catching up on what & when the payment information was sent to Farmingdale Fire Dept. Turns out that it’s the Seneschal’s duty to send it.
Uji brought up getting new badges for the officers for Lions End. Alexander said he knows of a inexpensive fabric badges from Etsy. Jenna offered to sew them onto belt favors. And it was agreed to purchase the entire 7 officers set.
Mordreth has offered to give some old dresses for Lions End Gold Key. Jenna also said she would sew some simple matching tunic set for a couple for donation.
Jenna proposed a possible monthly A&S at the Gold Coast library. She will find out their weekday schedule so we can make a decision when we’d like to set this up.
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Demonstration in Farmingdale
Saturday, June 3, 2023 — 8 AM – 6 PM — 361 Main St, Farmingdale, NY
We have been invited to do an all-day demonstration of Medieval arts, crafts, and fighting, with special emphasis on hands-on demonstrations for children on June 3, 2023 (rain date June 10th). Farmingdale Village is eager to have us show off our skills, and has offered us the use of the Village Green to display our skills to the surrounding neighborhood. They will also push the demo within the school system and invite the surrounding neighborhood. Fighters and fencers are encouraged to show their prowess (and show off their splendid armor), dancers are encouraged to display their fancy footwork, and artisans of all sorts are urged to both display their work and urged give children (and their parents) hands-on time to explore their crafts.
Since this is geared for full family participation, we encourage both our Youth Fighters and adults to enter our tourneys on the second. There will be small prizes for the victors to present to their significant other. The tourneys will feature “audience participation” in that each fighter, both youth and adult, will be encouraged to pick a child from the audience to fight for. (Each child will get a flower in recognition of this honor, and the winner will get a rose to present to his/her “other”, with an additional small prize for the “S.O.”.)
We have the use of the gazebo, and our 20X30 Green & White will be there for shelter, but pop-ups are also encouraged. Folding chairs will also be provided.
An announcement went out to the local community via Patch:
Medieval History Day Coming To Farmingdale: ‘Glimpse Into The Past’

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Lions End Schola and Provincial A&S Championship
Welcome to Let the Lions Roar!
Saturday, May 20 — Gold Coast Library Annex, 40 Railroad Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545
This will be an event dedicated to A&S classes.
Please contact Uji to volunteer to teach schola@lionsend.eastkingdom.org
Note, due to site restrictions, teachers can not collect a materials fee.
There will also be a competition to determine the new A&S Champion of Østgarðr
Check-In Opens
11:30 am
Intro to Non-Alcoholic Period Drinks w/Vitasha Ivanova Doch’ – Tasting and discussion of different types of non-alcoholic drinks
- Kumihimo 101 w/Jenna Childslayer – Beginner Japanese cord braiding
- Beginner Chain Mail w/Robert D’Whitmont (aka Harry the Squid)
- Basic Redaction w/Friderich Grimme – From original recipe to redaction to variety of medieval sauces
Check-In Closes
- Arts & Sciences entries must be submitted by this time.
- Viking Wire Weaving w/Vitasha Ivanova Doch’
- Let’s Talk About Wool w/Michele the Ubiquitous – Wool, it comes from sheep. If only it were that simple! But not all wool is the same. A discussion of various types of fleeces and sheep breeds. I will attempt to direct people towards some criteria in the search for a period fleece. Samples in various stages of production will be passed around, so attendees can look, touch and feel. Microscopes will be available for use. Please bring questions and samples for discussion.
- Garb From Simple Shapes w/Abu-Darzin Ibrahim – This class will discuss how clothing can be constructed from simple geometric shapes, based on extant garments from various parts of SCA period. We will look at how the extant pieces use rectangles and triangles to create clothing to fit the human body. Strategies for fitting and sizing to the individual will be discussed.
Arts & Sciences judging ends
Court of Viceréina Angelica di Nova Lipa & Viceréina Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
Food will be a potluck format – please include an ingredient list with your contribution due to allergies.
When registering, please indicate what type of dish you intend to bring: snack/appetizer, main dish, dessert, soft drink/beverage.
Food questions/concerns/allergies: Contact : Uji schola@lionsend.eastkingdom.org
Please bring “feast gear” – be kind to the environment! (and a bag to take dirty dishes home in)
Site is handicapped accessible.
Site is easily accessed by LIRR
Attendance cap is 40 people.
A&S Championship Rules:
Artisans, crafters, brewers, artists, and all, the call of competition has been made! The Østgarðr Arts & Sciences Championship is back! A new champion will rise from the ranks of our populace, will it be you?
This year, the Østgarðr Arts & Sciences Championship will be held at the Lion’s End Schola, May 20th! There will be four awards up for grabs:
- Østgarðr A&S Champion (only Østgarðr residents can win this award and title, judging for this award will be done by the Østgarðr Vicereines)
- Best Overall A&S entry (Anyone who enters can win, judging by this will be done by the Østgarðr Vicereines and the current champion)
- People’s Choice (as chosen by the populace).
- Best Research. (judging by this will be done by the the Østgarðr Vicereines and the current champion)
Research is not a requirement to compete. You may display your work for all to see. Your display could be Photos of your work, or the work itself. If your display is something edible, you may share it with the populace. You may also just show off your research and compete for the best research award!
We are also encouraging group projects. If you are not sure you want to compete in an A&S contest alone, we welcome you to enter with a mentor, friend, or partner. We want this to be a beginner friendly competition.
If you wish to display your A&S project but not compete, that will be acceptable. A signup sheet will be provided, and we will clearly mark entries that are for competition and/or display-only projects.
Come one and all to the Østgarðr Arts and Science Championship and show off what you have made!
NOTE: ALCOHOL WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISE. If you are a brewer and wish to compete, you may display photos of your work and your research or work with myself and the Vicereines to sample your project before the event.
If you have questions or wish to help, please reach out to me at 212278@members.eastkingdom.org.
The A&S Champion’s responsibilities include:
- Attend the majority of Østgarðr events and participate in any Provincial Court held at those events.
- Attend the Viceregals at out-of-area events, including Pennsic, if possible (Pennsic responsibilities are primarily Opening Ceremonies and Østgarðr Court at the Tuesday night potluck).
- Wear and maintain the regalia of your position.
- Organize next year’s Provincial Champion competition to choose your successor.
Competitors should indicate on the sign-up sheet if they are prepared to serve as the Provincial Arts and Sciences Champion, if selected by their Excellencies, and have no duties or obligations which would prevent them from serving appropriately. The Champion will be determined by a Panel Of Judges including the Viceregents and current Champion.
There will also be a Populace vote. As the judges do not know everything, please be on hand to present and answer questions on your entry.
For those sending research papers, please send them in no later than one week before the Competition, to allow the judges time to give them proper attention.
Food and drink entries are permitted – NO ALCOHOL.
The Gold Coast Public Library provides an opportunity for individuals or groups to use its meeting room for public meetings. This does not imply any endorsement on the part of the Library of the programs so presented.
EK Calendar Entry: www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=4122
Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/lions-end-schola-let-the-lions-roar-tickets-528637016547
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