Saturday, June 3, 2023 — 8 AM – 6 PM — 361 Main St, Farmingdale, NY
We have been invited to do an all-day demonstration of Medieval arts, crafts, and fighting, with special emphasis on hands-on demonstrations for children on June 3, 2023 (rain date June 10th). Farmingdale Village is eager to have us show off our skills, and has offered us the use of the Village Green to display our skills to the surrounding neighborhood. They will also push the demo within the school system and invite the surrounding neighborhood. Fighters and fencers are encouraged to show their prowess (and show off their splendid armor), dancers are encouraged to display their fancy footwork, and artisans of all sorts are urged to both display their work and urged give children (and their parents) hands-on time to explore their crafts.
Since this is geared for full family participation, we encourage both our Youth Fighters and adults to enter our tourneys on the second. There will be small prizes for the victors to present to their significant other. The tourneys will feature “audience participation” in that each fighter, both youth and adult, will be encouraged to pick a child from the audience to fight for. (Each child will get a flower in recognition of this honor, and the winner will get a rose to present to his/her “other”, with an additional small prize for the “S.O.”.)
We have the use of the gazebo, and our 20X30 Green & White will be there for shelter, but pop-ups are also encouraged. Folding chairs will also be provided.
An announcement went out to the local community via Patch:
Medieval History Day Coming To Farmingdale: ‘Glimpse Into The Past’