Iola Wulfsdotter, Maeve of Abbeydorney, Arnbiorg Helga Nialsdottir, Duggmore Dougles, Alienor Salton, Marion of York, Jenna Childslayer, Albrecht Ancher, Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Michele the Ubiquitous, Angelica di Nova Lipa, Marion of York, Brekke Franksdottir, Sherre de Saford, Alexander MacLachlan, Ronan Fitzrobert, Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi
Officer Reports
Iola, Seneschal and Herald – Stepped up as seneschal. Nothing to report as herald.
Maeve, Chronicler and A&S Minister – Working on latest issue of newsletter. Asking for submissions. Nothing to report on A&S.
Arnbiorg, Exchequer and Ranged Weapons Marshall – All reports are completed and in. Need to add Iola and remove Uji as signatories on account. There have been no ranged weapon practices.
Dougmoore, Castellan – Nothing to report.
Alienor, Webminister – Quarterly report has been submitted to Kingdom. Website updated with new officers and email transfers have been completed.
Marion, Fencing Marshall – Nothing to report.
Upcoming Events
Lions End Schola 5/14/2022 – Group discussion about site options for schola; previous location Locust Valley Church or Ronan’s school in Levittown. Group decided on Levittown because there is no site fee. Preregistation and attendance cap suggested. Event Steward is Ronan and Uji is Apprentice Steward. Date was discussed and set. Ronan brought up indoor axe throwing as one of the classes. Ronan suggested a Google form for registration.
Farmingdale Demo 6/11/2022 – Initial discuss regarding doing this demo. A question about how far in advance will Farmingdale need notice that we will or won’t be there. In the past, Lions End has gotten a stipend for doing the demo.
Other Business
Ablrecht promoted Ostgardr’s Discord server: